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Web Design
Web Development
a Pan-Africa Focused Venture Capital Firm with the mission to connect people, ideas, and capital to create a thriving African continent.
BCOMM redesigned and developed a website for 4DX Ventures,
Start of Web page
Establishing a Framework…
We worked with Co-Founders and General Partners, Walter Baddoo and Peter Orth to tease out important content themes for the new website, to both highlight 4DX Ventures portfolio companies, and the extraordinary entrepreneurs behind them.

4DX’s colorful and abstract logo allowed our team to get creative with the design treatments used across the website.
The Power of a Testimonial
We worked with nine of the portfolio company founders, to find out what it was like to work with 4DX Ventures, and crafted their statements of adoration, support, and thanks, into testimonials that are prominently featured on the homepage of the site.
Going Live in 3..2..1…
Once all the content was crafted and approved, we were excited to push the website live.
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